Tre Taze di Te

Tre Tazze di Te is a splendid Multi-Pitch in Monte Oddeu, created by Pibiri and Erriu and not really considered by the majority of climbers. The vertical slabs are covered with pockets and cracks and the bolting is very cautious. The bolting on difficult passages is very short, so to allow climbers to get out of troubles, while it is a bit more long and relaxed on the the easy bits.  Some parts may be integrated using nuts and friends but it is not necessary.

As the problem wiggles up the crag, it is necessary to have 60 cm long quickdraws to let the rope flow. It is also recommended to alternate the half ropes.
Tre Tazze di Tè
Chiodatori: Pibiri \Erriu
5 lenghts, 215 meters, max 6c, 6a+ obbligatory

1st lenght: 6c (short technical section. The first lenght is 55 meters long)
2nd lenght: 5c (Do not fear the overhang)
3rd lenght: 6a+ (this lenght varies a lot and is really enjoyable)
4th lenght: 6a\b (some technical and exposed passages)
5th lenght: 6b (the hardest passage is on a vertical slab, pay attention to all your steps)