Warning for climbing in Cala Spinosa
Although fascinating and magic, Cala Spinosa has become a bit of a rusty can in the desert… This is a warning message to those who may want to explore it and climb on one of the few bolted granite sea crags in Sardinia. The majority of the bolts are in very bad conditions as they were placed about 15 years ago and are directly exposed to sea salt.
Furthermore, some idiot decided to remove a good number of good bolts.
Said this, we must confess that Cala Spinosa is one of the most inspiring places in Sardinia. The granite rocks are curved with gently and soft-looking shapes and it turns an average climbing day to a memorable experience. The problems (would) range from 15 to 25 meters of height and are a rare pearl among a multitude of limestone climbs.
If you are willing to give it a try we would advice to check the anchoring points and try climbing top rope…..
N.,Name,Height, Grade
1,Think different,15 m,7b+
2,Fluttuazioni,15 m,6a+
3, Spigolo,15 m, 6c+
4, Bozzolo,15 m, 7a
5, Morpho,20 m, 5c
6, Ehi ciccio!,20 m, 4c
7, Cornetto,20m, 5b
8, Divieto di scalata,20 m, 5c
9,A lo loco,20 m, 5c
10, Corvo rosso,15 m, 6b
11,No name,15 m, 6c
12, Pokemon,25 m, 6c
13, Cuore,25 m, 7c
14, Elefantino,25 m, 7b
15, Cirkus Maikus,25 m, 6c+
16, Red Bull,20 m, 6c
17, Red Crack,20 m, 6a+
Sapete se Cala Spinosa è ancora impraticabile o alcune vie sono state ri-attrezzate?
Ciao Paolo, purtroppo Cala Spinosa ha subito un grosso intervento di schiodatura dei vecchi tiri arrugginiti (da parte della associazione Sardegna Verticale) e, da che abbiamo notizia, il comune di Santa Teresa di Gallura ha concesso la richiodatura di sole tre vie ritenute “non impattanti”.
Are there any routes rebolted? Is there any safe to climb route now?
Hi Kristof,
nope, no rebolting. Strongly recommend to go for trad climbing 😉
That’s such a shame, it looks amazing…
Ciao ragazzi,
Ci sono novità su cala spinosa?
Ciao Gianluca,
Purtroppo il settore di Cala Spinosa sta solo peggiorando…. 😔
Hi all
Any update on Cala Spinosa? Sounds like it’s not really safe?
Yes, still bad conditions… 😢