Let’s all praise Louis Piguet
You may know who Louis Piguet is, but you have all the rights not to know who he is or why should he be praised at all. In effect he doesn’t really like the showbiz. Louis is one of those people who like to make this world better (the climbing world at least) and keep on working under the radar to allow others to have a great time.
Louis is a Swiss Alpine Guide and representative of Mammut. During the last 13 years he has spent lots of his time climbing in Sardinia and decided one day to employ his skills (and money) to bolt and re-bolt a great number of multi-pitches and sport routes all around Sardinia. He has equipped many multipitches and sport sectors, including Sardi nel Cuore, the new sector he opened in front of El Chorro in Cala Gonone.
Amongst the famous crags he has restyled there are the very popular Margheddie, La Poltrona, and also Su Gurruthone, Punta Pilocca and Pranu Sartu. He has replaced oxidized bolts and worn out belay stations using ‘marine-suitable’ stainless steel. Louis used primarily Raumer bolts with Hilti HIT RE 500 resin. The belay points he used are all “marine-suitable” steel Raumer chains and he also added a third bolt to each belay, so as to connect all anchors and provide safer abseils.
In 2015 and 2016 Louis has returned to Sardinia and with the help of Bruno Fonnesu, Andrea Puddu and Piero Fancello re-bolted a long series of problems. Below we have a long list of all of what he has done. The work is not finished though as he plans to return to Cala Gonone and replace all the anchoring points in Cala Luna, Millennium, Bidiriscottai and Cala Fuili.
Of course there are also many other climbers dedicating their time and money to re-bolting frequented routes. Just to mention a few: Maurizio Oviglia, Gianluca Piras, Corrado Pibiri, Giampaolo Mocci and Bruno Fonnesu What they do is immensely appreciated and if anyone wants to get in touch to offer help do not hesitate to contact us, Luis or Maurizio.
These are some of the belay points Louis removed from routes in Cala Fuili, one of the most frequented crags in Cala Gonone. As you can see the old steel carabiner have a gutter unbelievably deep and sharp. Make sure you report to us if you see anything like this in Sardinia.
City | Location | Problem | Re-bolted in | Notes |
Bugerru | Pranu Sartu | Plus loin sera la mer | 2015 | Bolts and Belay |
Bugerru | Pranu Sartu | Canto del sifone | 2015 | Bolts and Belay |
Bugerru | Pranu Sartu | Pista ciclabile | 2015 | Bolts and Belay |
Bugerru | Pranu Sartu | Thalassa | 2015 | Bolts and Belay |
Bugerru | Pranu Sartu | Riflessi magici | 2015 | Bolts and Belay |
Bugerru | Pranu Sartu | Signora delle cappelle | 2015 | Bolts and Belay |
Bugerru | Pranu Sartu | Litri e litri di vino cattivo | 2015 | Bolts and Belay |
Cala Gonone | Il Budinetto | ALL ROUTES | 2014 | ALL BELAY POINTS |
Cala Gonone | Il Budinetto | Biddoi (Salvatore de l’ovile) | 2014 | Bolts and Belay |
Cala Gonone | Il Budinetto | Stockhorn Sport | 2016 | Bolts and Belay |
Cala Gonone | Il Budinetto | Il Soriso di Sascha | 2016 | Bolts and Belay |
Cala Gonone | Il Budinetto | Come à Chamonix (right of Geco in Calore) | 2016 | Bolts and Belay |
Cala Gonone | Il Budinetto | Con vista sul mare (right of Senza Nome) | 2014 | Bolts and Belay |
Cala Gonone | Cala Fuili Spiaggia Est | ALL ROUTES | 2016 | ALL BELAY POINTS |
Cala Gonone | Cala Fuili Spiaggia Est | Manga | 2016 | Bolts and Belay |
Cala Gonone | Cala Fuili Spiaggia Est | Zia Lillith | 2016 | Bolts and Belay |
Cala Gonone | Cala Fuili Spiaggia Est | Spigolo Fuili | 2016 | Bolts and Belay |
Cala Gonone | Cala Fuili Spiaggia Est | Porto io i nuts | 2016 | Bolts and Belay |
Cala Gonone | Cala Fuili Spiaggia Ovest | ALL ROUTES | 2016 | ALL BELAY POINTS |
Cala Gonone | Cala Fuili Spiaggia Ovest | E’ pericoloso sporgers | 2015 | Bolts and Belay |
Cala Gonone | Cala Fuili Spiaggia Ovest | L’écume des flots | 2015 | Bolts and Belay |
Cala Gonone | Cala Fuili Spiaggia Ovest | Wolof | 2015 | Bolts and Belay |
Cala Gonone | Cala Fuili Spiaggia Ovest | Kho Phi Phi | 2015 | Belay Point |
Cala Gonone | Betit Beatau | Nesquik | 2016 | Belay Point |
Cala Gonone | Buchi Arta | ALL ROUTES | 2011 | ALL BELAY POINTS |
Cala Gonone | Monte Bonacoa | ALL ROUTES | 2016 | ALL BELAY POINTS |
Cala Gonone | La Poltrona | Cacao Meravigliao | 2011 | Bolts and Belay |
Cala Gonone | La Poltrona | SN right of Cacao Meravigliao | 2011 | Bolts and Belay |
Cala Gonone | La Poltrona | Carota Impossibile | 2011 | Bolts and Belay |
Cala Gonone | La Poltrona | Via dei Tedeschi | 2011 | Bolts and Belay |
Cala Gonone | La Poltrona | Succhiandiamo | 2011 | Bolts and Belay (2 pitches) |
Cala Gonone | La Poltrona | Sinofila (2nd P) | 2012 | Bolts and Belay |
Cala Gonone | La Poltrona | Banzaï | 2012 | Belay point |
Cala Gonone | La Poltrona | L’eremita | 2012 | Belay point |
Cala Gonone | La Poltrona | Diretta al Mallos | 2012 | Belay point |
Cala Gonone | La Poltrona | I Wanna hold your hand | 2012 | Belay point |
Cala Gonone | La Poltrona | Ciao Alex | 2012 | Belay point |
Cala Gonone | La Poltrona | Storie Appese | 2012 | Belay point |
Cala Gonone | La Poltrona | Porceddu Elettronico | 2012 | Belay point |
Cala Gonone | Margheddie | Ninna Nanna | 2016 | Bolts and Belay |
Cala Gonone | Margheddie | Nomadi | 2016 | Bolts and Belay |
Cala Gonone | Margheddie | La Prima Volta | 2009 | Bolts and Belay |
Iglesias | Punta Pilocca | Samsara | 2009 | Belay point |
Iglesias | Punta Pilocca | La Donna Blu | 2009 | Belay Point |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Buon divertimento | 2012 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | O2M | 2012 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Mandragola | 2012 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Leopard | 2012 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Bonsaï | 2012 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Bella | 2015 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Luna | 2016 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Mon Amour | 2016 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Lakana | 2012 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Sieste en mai | 2009 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Terre Brune | 2010 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Mamuthones | 2010 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | 11 de capidanne | 2010 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Sa Chicchera | 2016 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Maria | 2016 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Ciao Ciao Sardegna | 2013 | 2 Pitches Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Scirocco | 2009 | 2 Pitches Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | La Roncola | 2013 | 2 Pitches Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Biuda | 2013 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Era un’ piacere | 2013 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | L’Ami René | 2011 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Qua | 2009 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Quo | 2009 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Qui | 2009 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Maestro Piero | 2010 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | Manuela | 2016 | Bolts and Belay |
Oliena | Su Gurruthone | La Mano e’ stanca | 2010 | Bolts and Belay |
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